
  近日,《马克思传》作者、伦敦大学客座教授麦克莱伦在中新社“东西问·中外对话”中表示,马克思是一位思想巨人,如果你是一名学者或者智者,就会对马克思的言论感兴趣。近年来,西方学术界对马克思主义越来越感兴趣,尤其是2008年金融危机发生后,西方对马克思主义的兴趣更浓了。随着全球性的问题日益增多,越来越多的人会对马克思主义产生兴趣。(彭大伟 吴家驹)

  “Marx is an intellectual giant and if you are an academic and intelligent person, you'll necessarily be interested in what Marx has to say,” said David McLellan, author of Karl Marx: A Biography, in the latest W.E. Talk with China News Service.

  From his point of view, in recent years, there's been more academic interest in the West in Marxism, especially after the financial crisis of 2008. As the global problems develop, more and more people will become interested in Marxism. (Peng Dawei, Wu Jiaju)

  目前,中快餐饮集团以聚焦中小学基础教育餐饮的中禾百年,定位高校市场的中快餐饮,面向医院团餐市场的中康餐饮,一起构成了三大业务板块。  举例来说,企业认为“特许权使用费”是合理的税务筹划,或是正常的服务贸易而将资金汇出,但当地政府认为企业的做法是对税法的滥用,将利润汇到境外,又涉及到相关外汇管理法。

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